Tuesday 1 May 2012

Rowan Mersh

For my final piece for the skills for making brief, I had to make a piece of wearable art, which I have to say did not turn out the way I had hoped! However, through my research for this module I discovered the designer Rowan Mersh and found I loved his work. He took a big roll in helping to inspire me in this unit.

Rowan Mersh, An extract from collections
shown with Valery Demure (Paris), between 2007-2008

Rowan Mersh, An extract from a collection
presented by Rossana Orlandi at
Maison et Objet, Paris, Autumn 2009.

Rowan Mersh, An extract from a collection
presented by Rossana Orlandi at
Maison et Objet, Paris, Autumn 2009.

Looking at his work reminded me of the medals and rosettes with tassels that I had seen the soldiers wearing on there chests in my research into military, and this inspired me to use some of the techniques such as fabric flowers and  smocking circles, to make my piece of wearable art influence by the medals and rosettes.  

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